Friday, February 12, 2010

Internet comic book aficionado seeks a stable internet connection that won't break her heart

" I just wanted to say that I'm a nerd, and I'm here tonight to stand up for the rights of other nerds. I mean uh, all our lives we've been laughed at and made to feel inferior. And tonight, those bastards, they trashed our house. Why? Cause we're smart? Cause we look different? Well, we're not. I'm a nerd, and uh, I'm pretty proud of it."

-Gilbert Lowell, Revenge of the Nerds

I don't know when it became so cool to be a nerd but it wasn't when this movie came out though. I just like the quote, hehe.

My name is Pam and I'm an online comic book fan. The only reason why I don't often pick up a REAL comic book is due to 1) this is cheaper and 2) there's too many to choose from, I never know where to start from. Last illustrated novel I read was Watchmen, which was fantastic (and way better than the movie, of course!). My only problem with the internet is that I have an awful connection at home. This also might be the reason why I've never had a blog before. It seems like everyone has had one or has one nowadays. One of my favorites is Overheard in New York, which is basically posts of weird things people overhear in trains, street, or just anywhere in New York. I haven't found anyone who doesn't love that website because we've all gone through most, if not, every "overheard moment" posted there!

These are some of their one-liners:

Girl reading sign at Frank Lloyd Wright museum: Oh... He was an architect!

--Guggenheim Museum
20-something girl correcting her friend's text message: No, you don't need an apostrophe there. It's "hos," plural, not "of or pertaining to a ho."

--M15 Bus
Tourist: I read about this place in that New York book I got from the library.
Guy in line: Did it also tell you that when it's a full moon everything is half off?
Tourist to friend: Dude! We should just both get the large, then.
Friend: I love this town and its little quirks like this.

--Gray's Papaya

Comics aren't the only things that consume my spare time. I'm also a movie fanatic, write a lot and read [things that don't have drawings on them]. My favorite books are The Virgin Suicides by Jeffrey Eugenides and Welcome to the Monkey House by Kurt Vonnegut. I'm the Marketing Director at WBMB Baruch College Radio [it is that room next to the game room and the USG offices] and our doors are always open to students and faculty [except for those days school, ha]. Music is my life and I hope to be able to work in the music industry in the future. I also hope this semester is a good one. This year seems pretty promising in general.



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